Pros and Cons of Implementing Managed Services in Connectivity

  • Published on - Jan 09, 2022
  • 4 mins read
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Companies are increasingly distancing themselves from the provision of their own infrastructure for IT-associated undertakings. They now prefer a paradigm in which the essential services are governed in the cloud by other businesses. This is referred to as managed services.

Prior to going for the implementation of managed services, it is necessary to learn about the benefits and permutations of having a third party to take charge of the management of the key infrastructure.

The methodology requirements of companies are constantly increasing. There was a time when it was enough to put up a website and perhaps offer some organisational mailboxes. In due course of time, web applications took over and superseded tools such as calendars, contact lists and other tangible elements of operating an enterprise. The ingenious firms of the present times run information electronically as regular cycles, coming up with hard copies only when imperative. This has immensely weighed down the upkeep of the infrastructure that any enterprise would require.

The responses from businesses to this can be in either of the following ways:

  • They may present all the requisite services on their own, engaging the essential manpower and procuring the supplementary equipment. Or
  • They can pact an administered service provider to run it for them.

Managed services are accompanied by numerous advantages and drawbacks.

The Pros of Managed Services in Connectivity
Easing the Maintenance of IT Infrastructure Initially, managed services sum up a variety of solid preferences and best practices. Selecting a group of applications to fulfil a specified requirement is testing. However, any business that appoints a managed hosting corporation, such as IQMS ERP software or other planning software, can be positive that the projected solution will be built in well to accomplish a given series of requirements. The agreed services are also kept up-to-date, are managed securely and often tag along with an SLA (Service Level Agreement).

Cost Advantages
Managed services in connectivity are not very pricey. Similar to bulk purchases that are costeffective, this also works for bulk hosting. Acquiring new servers and bandwidth and simultaneously hiring a new workforce to host a separate faction of services turns out to be more expensive as compared to outsourcing it to another company. When a number of instances of an allied stack are hosted, there is a boost in efficiency and a drop in costs.

Easy Deployment
Managed IT services are not time-consuming to deploy. Usually, it is simply a matter of minutes or hours to assemble an infrastructure, instead of the days that would be needed to erect and network physical servers, in addition to hiring the requisite upkeep and support staff. Managed IT services can also upgrade to satisfy new demand, thereby eradicating the exigency to obtain new hardware and staff with the rising demand.

The Cons of Managed Services in Connectivity

Concerns about Dependability
Managed services in connectivity can also have their drawbacks. At the time of hiring another partner to set up vital business infrastructure, one anticipates that their business will also keep up. If it does not, whatever business is reclining on them may be left struggling to look for a replacement for email, web hosting, almanacks and other vital components of infrastructure that are the lifeline for any business.

Managed hosting is restricted in terms of flexibility. The decision to select the applications required for specific needs facilitates the fulfilment of meticulous norms, but it may also hamper the running of other non-essential functions. Managed services in connectivity reduce a chunk of the choices, consequently leaving behind combinations that might not be as suitable for an appropriate use case.

Conclusively, managed service providers often stock information external to a business’s own infrastructure. In a large number of businesses, this is an acceptable option. However, organised sectors like healthcare would perhaps want service providers to meet further yardsticks, for instance, HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act). Such conformities augment intricacies and added vigilance.

It is complicated to decide whether or not one should opt for managed services in connectivity. This decision depends upon the business in question. For some enterprises, managed services serve as a boon to curtail costs and speed up operations. For others, the gamble and additional complications may press heavy on any benefits. In essence, businesses have to individually spread all these factors across the table and then determine what is best for them in that situational context.

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