The Next-Generation Threat Protector

In an increasingly complex digital space, where online threats are becoming more frequent, businesses of every size need the best in cloud security. Shield your virtual business environment against unknown threats and streamline security network deployment, while combining application awareness and deep-packet inspection. Get greater control over applications while simultaneously detecting and blocking malicious threats.

Benefits of Using Virtual Firewall Service from Tata Tele

Keep sophisticated cybercriminals at bay with Virtual Firewall’s rapid service deployment, advanced threat intelligence, and flexible packages.

Advanced Threat Intelligence

Flexible Packages

Centralised Managed Portal

Reduced Operational Complexity and cost

Stateful Inspection NAT/PAT

Comprehensive Remote Connectivity (Windows/Mac)

Application Identity Control

Security Policies and Firewall Rule Management

Quality of Service (QoS)

Smart L3 Interface Mode

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Seeking next-generation protection?

Customisable to any business size, our Virtual Firewall can provide you with the right security solution.

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A virtual firewall (also known as a cloud firewall) is a network security solution designed for environments where implementing hardware firewalls is hard or impossible, like software-defined networks (SDN), public and private cloud environments, and software-defined wide area networks (SD-WAN).
A cloud based network firewall, similar to a hardware firewall, allows or denies network access to traffic flows across trusted and untrusted zones. Virtual firewalls, unlike hardware firewalls, which are physically situated on-premises in data centres, are software-based, making them perfect for securing virtual environments.

Virtual firewalls are frequently installed as a virtual machine in a cloud-based environment or as part of an FWaaS service. This allows a company to benefit from the cloud's flexibility and scalability in terms of security as well.

A virtual or cloud firewall, like any other firewall, must be able to inspect traffic entering and departing its protected network. There are a couple of ways to do this with a virtual firewall:

Real threat protection is required in virtualised environments. URL filtering, Intrusion prevention, DNS security, SSL decryption, file blocking, network anti-malware, and denial-of-service protection are all important features to look for.
In virtualised systems, virtual firewalls usually offer lateral movement security – for traffic that passes within the private cloud – which can limit the attack surface.
Because virtualized systems can serve applications on demand, firewalls should have capabilities for application-centric security policies, such as the capacity to recognise any programme, independent of its classification, behaviour, or location.
Keep sophisticated cybercriminals at bay with Virtual Firewall’s rapid service deployment, advanced threat intelligence, and flexible packages.
  • Advanced Threat Intelligence
  • Flexible Packages
  • Centralised Managed Portal
  • Reduced Operational Complexity and cost
  • Stateful Inspection NAT/PAT
  • Comprehensive Remote Connectivity (Windows/Mac)
  • Application Identity Control
  • Security Policies and Firewall Rule Management
  • Quality of Service (QoS)
  • Smart L3 Interface Mode
Virtual firewalls can be provisioned automatically in some cases to keep up with continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) requirements, and even directly into DevOps workflows.
The ability to handle virtual firewall deployments across different virtualized environments saves time, effort, mistakes, and money.
The cost of the virtual firewall solution varies, and it may range from 20,000 – 25,000 to a few lacs. Check out some top software firewall examples to know the exact price for the desired software.

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