Wireless EPABX for retail: One solutions, multiple uses

  • Published on - Jan 09, 2022
  • 2 mins read
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“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is a maxim well past its sell date. With business paradigms constantly shifting, smart retailers can stay ahead of the curve by identifying and implementing solutions that are adaptable, scalable and cost efficient.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is a maxim well past its sell date. With business paradigms constantly shifting, smart retailers can stay ahead of the curve by identifying and implementing solutions that are adaptable, scalable and cost efficient.

Take legacy business communications, which could consist of unconnected systems such as external phone lines and two-way radios organically acquired over the years. Integrating employee connectivity through one single, flexible service such as wireless EPABX can provide a significant impetus to expand business, control costs and streamline operations.

Let us take the case of a corner store using several disparate communication systems for its needs: a landline for external calls, a paging system for employees and shop floor attendants, and a two-way radio system for the warehouse. Now, the store wants to improve inventory management and checking, and also reduce delays when checking stock levels of particular items in response to customer inquiries.

Since the store has minimal space and every available inch is usually taken up for display, the new system would have to be compact while being cost-effective. Installation should create minimum disruption to store operations. Call quality too needs to be high even on the noisy shop floor or warehouse floor to ensure customer satisfaction.

A wireless EPABX solution incorporates the capabilities of paging systems and cordless phones – offering a business telephony system that seamlessly integrates external and internal communications. The high quality sound it delivers is perfect for a retail store’s busy environment. Customer service is enhanced through an integrated, a user-friendly interactive voice response system that offers customers direct and immediate access to the right person, whether management, returns, or service. Pre-recorded information on store location and opening hours reduces manpower needed to handle routine queries.

As a result employees are more responsive and proactive. The system improves inventory management through direct communication with stockists and suppliers, who can respond immediately to merchandise calls. Store managers can be reached more readily by head office management and use two-way text messaging to access current information on store performance and inventory.

A wireless EPABX can help step up retail performance and empower employees by integrating all voice communications into one single network.

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