Ahmedabad-Based Elevator Manufacturer Gains Seamless, Futuristic Connectivity With MPLS VPN


The customer manufactures the most advanced, high technology elevators that are well recognised across India The Ahmedabad based company is known for its commitment and excellent services

Business Challenges

The customer required a dependable partner to provide a secure, stable solution to link up their 16 centres with the data centre located at Ahmedabad They also wanted other value-added services such as tollfree calling and ILL services

TTBS Solution

TTBS provided a wholly managed, MPLS VPN solution to link up their branches The connectivity solution was highly scalable for future expansion, cost effective and cloud ready

Also, a dedicated, safe Internet solution was provided at the hub locations, with spoke locations accessing it through the centralised firewall


  • Seamless, Secure Connectivity: All the branches were interlinked with access to the centralised Internet setup and the data centre MPLS allowed for safety and privacy of the connections with the support of an inclusive firewall
  • Highly Scalable and Cloud ready: The solution was scalable to the customer’s future growth and requirements It allowed for easy, quick and safe connectivity with cloud service providers like Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services
  • Cost Effective: Additional services were provided and managed by TTBS, negating the need to hire multiple suppliers
  • Complete Managed Services: TTBS provided Managed Services, relieving the customer of the preoccupation of servicing, maintenance and procurement for the network

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