TTBS Smartflo helps leading chemical manufacturing firm sharpen its customercentric operations


Based in Nagpur, Maharashtra, the company has been manufacturing and exporting high-quality industrial chemicals since 2004. It primarily caters to the building and construction sector. The product range including floor hardener, mould release de-shuttering oil, micro-concrete membranes, texture plasters, wall putty, grouts and tile adhesives, water repellents, and curing compounds. The organisation employs advanced processing equipment to produce an assortment of chemicals in bulk for diverse markets.

They were keen on establishing their own contact centre to connect with the leads sourced from print and digital media and handle customers’ direct purchase inquiries. Acquainted with the complexities of managing physical infrastructure, the leadership team preferred a hosted solution.

Smartflo by Tata Tele Business Services (TTBS) is India’s leading contact centre software. Its ease of usage and enterprise-grade security looked promising to the chemical production group to run their outbound and inbound calling operations.

Business Challenges

Focused on the needs of its customers, the chemical manufacturer planned to run regular contact centre operations whereby a dedicated team could address all queries for products and supplies. The team was also required to run promotional outbound campaigns to convert new leads.

Besides the preference for a scalable cloud-hosted solution, the company had other expectations from its contact centre platform:

  • It had to be integrated with their LeadSquared CRM software for lead capture, sales management, and marketing automation processes.
  • The supervisors also needed call detail records (CDRs) to evaluate agent productivity and comprehend customer expectations.
  • While they appreciated the flexibility of logging in to a web-based contact centre, which could be accessed through a browser or mobile app, the company leadership also stated a clear priority for security in communications.

Businesses worldwide have been adopting cloud contact centre solutions. Even BPOs operating with established on-premise architecture are now moving their operations to the cloud. This encouraging trend and the trust that brand Tata exudes across industry verticals became the compelling factor in choosing the TTBS solution over others.

Our team deployed Smartflo with 30 channels for the customer, hosting the cloud communication suite through our data centres in Bangalore and Ahmedabad.

Smartflo’s hosted contact centre platform provided instant inbound and outbound calling facilities to the organisation. With LeadSquared CRM integration and click-to-call service, it made both customer service and lead generation campaigns more productive.

Smartflo’s IVR-controlled routing for inbound calls and dialler-based calling for outbound campaigns enabled the company to set up the customer-centric contact centre it had envisaged.

TTBS solution architects also mapped the sales executives’ mobile numbers with virtual numbers provided to the company. This facility allowed the users’ personal numbers to remain hidden whenever they logged into outbound calling campaigns using Smartflo’s mobile app. Only the company’s number was displayed to call receivers.

Smartflo also met the company’s expectations adequately:

  • Thanks to its smooth application programming interface, it was integrated with LeadSquared CRM, enabling agents to instantly access customer information whenever they received or dialled calls.
  • IVR routing and sticky agent feature helped callers reach the most appropriate resources for quick resolutions to their concerns.
  • The cloud communication suite’s intuitive call-logs dashboard displayed complete CDRs that the supervisors could use for agent performance evaluation.
  • Call recording was simple on the cloud portal and helped understand customer sentiments.
  • Smartflo encrypted the business communication with 128-bit security. The data saved by the agents was hosted in an ISO 27001 certified private cloud.

TTBS Solution

Conforming to the customer’s specifications, we enabled secure login-based calling for office sales executives and disabled it for on-field executives. Managers could grant or deny access to any agent for different campaigns on the straightforward admin portal.

The deployment was hassle-free, with TTBS ensuring 99.5% uptime availability for the customer under an endto-end SLA.


  • Smartflo: Smooth CRM integration for instant access to customer details while handling a call
  • No CapEx and low OpEx with no hardware maintenance costs
  • Higher conversion rate through the ease of connecting with leads and tracking customer demands
  • Agile scalability to expand calling operations with business growth
  • Enterprise-grade security built by encrypted communications, controlled access, MFAbased logins, and IP restrictions
  • Remote accessibility on any device through the browser or mobile app

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